Second Mosdorfer Energy Kids Day was a great success
On Friday, September 14, the "MO Energy Kids Day" took place for the second time at Mosdorfer. This afternoon was dedicated to the children of Mosdorfer employees and employees. We welcomed 25 kids. There was not only a journey of discovery through the factory, it was spiked, puzzled and there was a show of Formation88 from St. Ruprecht.
After a brief welcome by the management Erich Kaltmann and Steffen Hochfellner, the children were able to explore the company divided into age groups (4-6 | 7-9 | 10-14) in the different stations. There was much to discover such as. the Bladesmith Museum, the production, the testing laboratory. According to our slogan "We energize the world" we have built a sporty parkour. A quiz about Mosdorfer rounded off the wide range of offers. Here the children could show what they have seen, heard and learned this afternoon. There were many great prizes to be won. We would like to thank you very much.
"Once again this year, we have geared the MO Energy Kids Day to the needs of children. There was a lot to discover. The kids were there with a lot of fun, ambition and joy. Playfully and with great commitment, the children were shown the professional world of their parents, "says Alice Holler, HR representative at Mosdorfer.
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